
Gábor "Gaben" Kaizer
Gábor "Gaben" Kaizer
Head of Business Development
1+ years at GYAR

Jack of all trades, master of none. I am in charge of creating BFF relationships for GYAR.

My Linkedin

How did you get into the industry?

During my teenage years, I was mind-blown by the power of storytelling & applied visual arts, so I started to work as a journalist & (web)designer, then at TBWA\. Straight out of the communication college in 2007, I co-founded a viral & buzz marketing focused creative agency, during our 7 years journey, our company produced a lot of viral spots, digital contents, even a few TVCs, among a lot of other ATL/BTL/online/app/etc. stuffs. These were super awesome years of my career, we worked on brands in CEE, just to name a few, AVON, AXN, easyHotel, Eurosport, FHB Bank, Lego, Nike, MusicTV, Ottakringer, Subway, Telekom, Unilever.

What is your superpower?

Unorthodox creativity, strong empathy, deep drive to make others happy.  

What were your favourite projects so far?

If I could only pick up motion pictures, I would highlight one of my first ad spot productions from 2008, a viral film for easyHotel, which generated huge buzz in the local tourism industry. If other kind of achievements (= not film prod) also count: I was an entrepreneur in the past for 15 years leading boutiqe agencies & startups – my recent failed, free community e-learning venture, taught UX/UI design globally, was awarded for its social impact potential by the United Nations founded World Summit Awards. I just joined GYAR in early 2024, hopefully a lot of projects from our factory will be on this list. 

What do you do if you are not working? 

Happy family life, listening to underground electronic music, qigong, shinrin-yoku.

How do you grow professionally?

I strongly believe in learning by doing, so most times I just give it a try first and read a lot & ask around if I got blocked. I am enthusiastic about chewing knowledge about innovation, software, creativity, (applied) visual arts, business & personal growth, plus anything in between those. 

What is your favourite movie of all time?

The Fountain by Darren Aronofsky.


Áron Hargitay
Áron Hargitay
Co-Owner, CTO
19+ years at GYAR
Read about Áron
Robi Erdélyi
Robi Erdélyi
Co-Founder, COO
20+ years at GYAR
Read about Robi
Áron Németi
Áron Németi
Head of Compositing
20+ years at GYAR
Read about Áron