
Gergő Gazsy
Gergő Gazsy
Co-Founder, CEO
20+ years at GYAR

I am Gergo, the CEO & co-founder of the GYÁR, nowadays mostly I am responsible for managing the business aspects of the company, but originally I started as an artist in my early 20ies.

  • How did you get into the industry?

The whole thing even got started in the high school years around 1989-‘90 when the first related softwares popped up on the market. In the late communist era, my father started to import Commodore 64 computers thanks to a special government allowance, so I started to play with the then released first version of Corel Draw, much before the Adobe Photoshop. Then a few years later, we bought our family’s first PC with the first version of 3D Studio and I started to play modelling. Very soon I realised that my developed skills are well paying ones: my uncle worked at one of the largest pioneer post production studio in Budapest back then, I started to work during my college years, making for instance product packshots for ads. I studied mechanical engineering, but after 2 years I dropped it, because I knew exactly my path ahead. When the first CGI softwares appeared on the market, I dived deep into them to start using and develop my skills. And a few years later, I co-founded GYÁR. 

  • What is your superpower?

As a leader, I think the most crucial skill is to be able to adapt & give good enough answers to the environment changes. As a VFX professional, maximalism, I can be super critical always looking for rooms for improvement. 

  • What were your favourite projects so far?

We never met a challenge we didn’t like. I love all of our projects, really, very hard to mention only one or two from the last almost 20 years. Unfortunately, because of my huge load of management duties, I have not got the opportunity to be involved in the hands-on CGI work for 5+ years. I miss these years so much. 

  • What do you do if you are not working?

When the kids were smaller, family came first, but they are big boys. Nowadays my #1 hobby is renovating & pimping old cars, starting with Jeeps a decades ago, I learnt the whole craft from YouTube. So you can find me during the weekends in the garage behind the GYÁR HQ. 

  • What is your favourite movie of all time?

Idiocracy (2006) by Mike Judge (IMDb link)


Robi Erdélyi
Robi Erdélyi
Co-Founder, COO
20+ years at GYAR
Read about Robi
Áron Németi
Áron Németi
Head of Compositing
20+ years at GYAR
Read about Áron
Zsófi Balogh
Zsófi Balogh
Senior Producer
3+ years at GYAR
Read about Zsófi